Monday, May 19, 2014


 Sweet Desi welcomed all to the picnic!  Of course, she was all dressed up.   There were so many people and dogs-- mostly Pekes-- and we all had a GREAT time!!
 Chester was there-- he was a blind Peke mix we got from the Richmond area.   We didn't know he was a mix or that he was blind, but he is a sweetest boy.   He lives near me with his new family.  
 Little Abigail came, too.  She's Chester's sister.
 His human sister, Blond Bit, came too!
 And his mom-- my friend, Toni.
 Chester's other sister came, too.   Tween Bit loves the Peke picnic!   I've known her since she was so small.   It has been a joy to watch her grow up!
 Muggles-- I wanted a regular picture, but she was so relaxed, she kept "falling over."    :-)    
 She kept us laughing.
 Arby is beautiful!   She was one of the Bristol 18 Pekes.    Such a stunning difference from when we got her.   Her mom is my friend and I love that I got to see them in person!
 Biscuit (in the green e-collar) was meeting new friends.    Abner was there!!    I had no idea he was coming and there he was.    He had on his "work vest" since he is a therapy dog at airports and nursing homes.    I had no idea I'd get to see him!  (More pictures of Biscuit and Abner later!)
 This little 8 pounder was adorable-- but I forgot her name.    I just wanted to kiss her!
 Sweet Sammy-- he was my foster dog and so I'm always excited to see him.
 Bingo was there-- he's an older boy, and one of our fosters.   He has a back leg limp, but he gets around and loves attention.     He is available for adoption!   I love the seniors!  He reminds me of my  Max.
Here is one of the outfits from the silent auction.   Thank you to everyone who brought things to sell!!   We raised almost $900 that will go for our foster dogs' vet bills.    You are all awesome!    Get ready for more picnic pictures tomorrow!  


  1. Wonderful Linda --- MORE pictures please!!!

    You had a lovely day weather wise and all those people and peke's!!!

    So glad you raised a lot of money for the Peke's and I can see everyone was enjoying themselves !

  2. Thank you for the Pictures Linda. You don't know how bad I wanted to be there. Even started packing but had issues that kept me from going that far. I am glad the weather and everything went well. I missed seeing how Bonnie would react with more than one dog at a time. I even saw the invite to the Richmond area too late. Well maybe some day.
    I filled out a Foster app online. But I do want to see how Bonnie does with other Pekes when we get the opportunity.
