Wednesday, May 7, 2014


 We have received so many requests to take in Pekes.   Each time we get a request, I have to mentally go over whether we can afford to do it.    But, I'm also so pulled by the need of these sweet ones who need our help.    JJ, above was one of them.
 He was turned into a shelter with  his brother, Charlie.    But, what I found out was that they had been in this shelter three separate times!    They had only been in their most recent home a year.    The owner was "moving" and "dogs aren't allowed."    Don't get me going on commitment to your pets.    We were told they were older, but ....
 Once we had them today, they were playing and running and happy.    They may not be young, but I don't think they are as old as we were told.   And with being strays originally, we don't know their ages.   They are two happy boys though!    I think they'll be coming to the picnic.  
 Then, I received an email.    This little Peke was owned by a woman with alzheimer's.    She would put him in a room, and forget he was there, forget water and food.    The family called animal control to come get it yesterday.  
 Biscuit is only 10 pounds, underweight for sure.   He had dredlocks of poop hanging from his ears and his tail was so nasty and matted that I couldn't begin to cut anything off.    We went straight to my vet and they'll take care of everything.   Sometimes, I need a professional to help when the coats are so bad.    One of the vet techs was going to clean him up.  I can bathe, brush, blow dry-- but sometimes, I can't get the serious matting off without fear of hurting them.    I talked to this little guy awhile at the shelter and he finally came out of his kennel area to me.  
 And then, look at the smile I got!    He was so happy!   Of course, the treats I was giving didn't hurt at all.  He is only about 5 or 6 at the most.    (That's what I was told, but he seems younger.)
 His eye folds are really bad, and he needs to be neutered and cleaned up.  But, we can do that.    Get ready for "after pictures"-- I know he will be a beautiful boy!     Thank you for all who have helped us with donations  this past week so we can take in these three Pekes.    And thank you for our volunteers, Sharon, Martha and Eve, who did SO much driving to get them!   You are all the best!


  1. Oh Linda ... this is so sad!

    I want to tell you of a product called "Cowboy Magic" a concentrated detangler and shine product from the USA!!!

    I do have this product but I do blush my girls a lot but .... if there is a nasty knot --- out comes this product!!
    Its very good.
    I am so glad you can help these darling Peke's!

  2. I understand the heart strings being pulled. You are doing great, I would have a hard time not to take them all. I hope you do bring them to the Picnic I would love to meet them.
