Thursday, May 15, 2014


 Can we say HAPPY ADOPTION WEEK!!?    This is Zoe.   She was adopted and now lives with Louie, also adopted from us.   Zoe was turned into a shelter by her owner along with another dog who was in just critical condition that he was let go.   The shelter was told that Zoe, "might have gotten into rat poison" but he did nothing about it.  
 Can you look at this face and think you would have done nothing for her?  Not me, either!
 She will now be loved and cared for the rest of her life!  YAHOO!!
 Hadley came to us from a shelter that said he was vicious and everyone was afraid of him.   They wouldn't even go into his kennel area-- they just put the food in.
 He was  just scared!   Now, all he does is play, wag his tail and give lots of love.   His best friend is Jazzy and they play so much.  His older brother, Gimmie, approved of the adoption and so Hadley is there to stay!
 Suki came into rescue from a Maryland shelter.   She was a stray and no one came for her.   She needed some medical care and patience.  Once she was feeling better, she was doing so well.
Here is her new family!!    I just love happy adoptions!   In rescue, it just gives us a reason to continue on and help more.  For every dog that is adopted, we can help another.    I love adoptions!!!


  1. I am dancing with joy Linda!!!!

  2. This is like reality tv with a happy ending. Once you see the new pictures of these babies at the start like Hadley, snuggled up in a corner scared to death, labeled Various. following the story, finding the truth, seeing how loveable he really is, and now seeing his adoption. I love it. It makes me want to get in on the action. I never met any of you, or the fur babies but love you all. I will be at the Pekenic and can't wait to meet some of the celebrities.
