Sunday, May 11, 2014


 Most of you know Melinda-- Lady Jicky-- on my comments.  She is my friend in Australia and she shared her recent vacation pictures with me-- of course, there had to be a dog to begin with!
 This is a statue of Islay-- He was Queen Victoria's favorite pet, a royal Skye terrier.   Islay would sit up and beg for a biscuit when he saw the Queen.    When Queen Elizabeth II visited, she threw a Queen Victoria gold sovereign into the wishing well.
 This is the Sydney Harbor Bridge--
 Melinda sent a lot of pictures-- maybe she will comment to tell us what this is.
 I know these were her view from her hotel.    Beautiful!
 I could just sit there and sip my coffee-- or tea-- and enjoy the view.  
 This is a plaque to Biggles.   He was a Miniature Schnauzer who was a favorite of shop owners.
 He entertained them with his wonderful personality and antics.
 Melinda kept looking for a Pekingese-- I know there have to be some there.
Moi Moi and Coco were at home-- their dad stayed to take care of them.
Melinda had a wonderful time anyway and I know her girls were happy to have her home!

1 comment:

  1. I went with my Mum who is 80 this year.
    Sadly the weather was overcast so the harbour was not its bright blue !
    You can see the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House from our hotel window and at night the lights from the cars and trains going over the bridge was lovley .
    The beach there is the famous Bondi Beach and if you were watching Kate and Prince William on there visit here a couple of weeks ago - they went to Bondi too!
    The little cairn terrier sits in front The Queen Victoria Building - if you come to Sydney you MUST visit this old Victorian centre with its many shops and restaurants. The train station is underneath too!
    Another place you should visit is called "The Rocks" and its the oldest part of Sydney right under the Sydney Bridge and if you are not scared of heights - you can walk the bridge right up on the top!!!
    We didn't walk it - too old! LOL
