Wednesday, May 21, 2014


 I love all the picnic pictures that are on facebook-- thank you for sharing so that I can put them in the blog for my other readers to see!    This is Gizzy.    He is an older boy who was adopted by Anne.   I love his coloring!!
 Who is this?    Is this JJ?   I can't remember.   He sure has a happy smile!
 "Where did all these Pekes come from?  It's a happy place!"
 This is sweet Biscuit who came with me.   He met someone at the picnic who just might be interested in him joining her family.    Paws crossed!    He gets his e-collar off tomorrow!
 I think this one is about to fall asleep!     This is Lily, Abner's sister.
 This  is Brody-- also in Abner's family.   He sure is cute and he did so well!
 Awe, Nippy-- I love your teeth.    I'm so glad your mom, Georgia, brought you!
 And your buddy, Monk, too!
 Harley was there-- he was the daddy of a group of puppies that were born into rescue last year.   When we got him and Cici from the shelter, we found out we were going to have little ones!  Jeanne did a great job with them all and now the puppies are almost a year old.   They are all beautiful-- more on them in another blog!
 Chester and Abigail took advantage of the Desi's Photo Shoot.    There were some great pictures of that and I'll be sharing them later.    It was such a happy Peke day!!   If you didn't come this year, make sure you put it on your calendar for next year.   We had so much fun!!


  1. Oh ..... did Desi dress the photo Peke's??? LOL

    I do love that Biscuit!!!!!

    Plus that black Harley !!!

    * I told you I would need a BIG suitcase if I flew over Linda ! LOL

  2. I'm enjoying the pics. of the pekenic so much. Great looking pups!

  3. Sleepy Peke is our Lily.
    Blonde guy underneath her photo is our Brody.
