Monday, May 26, 2014


 If I've posted some of these pictures twice, forgive me-- I'm having so much fun with these blogs, that I can forget if I've posted a picture before.   This is Sammy-- he came to us via a shelter near me and was my foster.    His hair now is long, and full, and flowing-- wow!
His sister, Sybil, came to us and we had called her "Leap of Faith"-- she came to a club meeting and when Sally and David walked in, they said they had taken a leap of faith to get to the meeting-- weather or traffic-- but we took notice!    When we told them the name of the new foster dog, they had to have her.     Her name was changed to Sybil and she and Sammy are best friends now.
 Jeanne (with the pony tail) and  I were able to see so many who we had met or fostered.    It was like a Peke reunion for us!
 Bobby was one of our fosters.    He sure was happy to see all his friends!
 He sat in amazement at the number of Pekes who came!  
 Sunny and Ladybug were dapper, for sure.
 Oh, those flower hats just kill me!   I love it!   I don't know where Lucinda gets all these-- she has quite a collection and she shared it with all of us.   (She did share her pink pearl necklace, and somehow it stayed on one of the dogs who was at the picnic-- if you accidentally took it home, let us know, so we can get it back to her.)
 Sunny was a great sheriff-- he's ready to ride and pull his bandana over his face to protect him.  
 I think this is  Buffy-- right?   His mom sure does love him!  I can see why!
 Butters was adopted from us-- he was an albino Peke we took  in from a back yard breeder.    His mom saw him on our web site and just had to have him and he's lived with her,  his dad and his siblings ever since.  We couldn't have found a better home for him!
 Hannah was there-- she's available for adoption.    She would love a playmate!
 Looty was adopted from us-- he's beautiful!    
 He and his family had so much fun.
 The Pekes (Biscuit in the e-collar) got together and shared memories and secrets.
 Skipper is available for adoption-- he loves his foster mom, Tiffany, but would love to have his own home, too.
After sharing, they were ready to run!    Let's go have more fun!!!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! Thanks for taking pics of all the loveable pekes at the picnic. We remember fondly the annual picnics we attended. Maybe next year, altho California is a long way from Virginia. Elizabeth and Chien Chien
