Sunday, June 22, 2014


 I'll do one more blog on Lexie-- I hope you're not tired of her yet. :-)    Here she was at the end of a long day yesterday.    She was going through the porch doggy door, and was going to rest!
 You see, we had to go to the vet again.   She had to have a recheck blood test and we had an ultra sound done to make sure she had no internal bleeding.    Her bloodwork was UP-- 8 more points!! YAHOO.  This means she is beginning to make her own red blood cells.     And the ultra sound showed she was not having any internal bleeding, no tumors.    She is definitely on the upswing!
 She had so many IV fluids at the vet while she was there overnight (on Thursday/Friday), and she had an accident in her xpen overnight on Friday evening.   So, when we got home from the vet on Saturday, I knew she would feel better if she was cleaned up.    And since she was more stable, I gave her a quick bath and cream rinse.   Oh, the look!
 She was so good-- and I blew her dry on low.    
 "Do I really have to do this?"
 Yes, sweet girl, we do.
 After she was dry, we went out in the yard again.    
She walked around a bit, did her business, and then came inside for a nice nap.    I will do updates on facebook and an occasional blog, but I think that Lexie is going to make it!   I'm so thrilled.  
THANK YOU to all of you who supported us through this, donated, sent messages.   
We have the best rescue team/support group!    


  1. I am doing a happy dance for Lexie and you know I want her to go to a Wonderful Home!!!

    Like you all do :)

  2. Never tire of hearing the healing path these little ones make ...especially when it is successful. Such a will to live they have when there is a reason...feeling loved. Stay strong couldn't be in better hands than Linda's.

  3. So happy Lexie is improving. When they have love their will to live is immeasurable. Rest and recover Little Lexie, you're in the best of hands with Linda.
