Sunday, June 29, 2014


 Lexie was in ICU at the vet for three days-- Thursday until Saturday.   She crashed on Thursday and had to get two more transfusions.
 I went to visit her several times each day and took her chicken (she loves Chick-Fil-A).   She loves me to hold her like a baby.
 She wonders why I keep taking her picture-- it's because so many of you love her, too, and I want you to see how she is doing.  
 I wanted her to rest and I sat there for about an hour holding her.  
 She got down at first, and got under the chair.  This has all been pretty scary for her.  
 I took a selfie with her (those seem so vain, but I wanted a picture with her).
 She came home on Saturday and will see the vet again Monday morning.    After everything she has gone through, we think we know what is going on with her.   First, she had all the hookworms and was so depleted.  We have gotten rid of those and given her meds to help her digestive system to settle down. She will keep getting meds for that.  Her immunity was really down.   Her blood levels are good except for the red blood count, which keeps tanking.   After talking to specialists and spending over an hour going over all her labs and everything that has been done, we think Lexie has IMHA, hemolytic anemia.   It is very serious and she is on a lot of medication to try to help stabilize her.    I'll keep you updated on her.   Right now, her red blood count is doing much better-- her bone marrow IS making those cells.   Good news.
She is comfortable here at my home-- she wags her tail all the time.   I want to thank all of you who have become her Lexie-angels, and have donated to her care.  You are awesome!   Thank you for all the prayers, too-- those are more important than anything.   I will give her hugs for all of you!


  1. Poor Lexie but I know you will be looking after her really with this awful disease.

    You are a angel yourself Linda!

    I wonder if this might be a "failed foster" and you adopt her Linda ??? :)

    **You two look beautiful in the "selfie" :)

  2. So glad she is doing better. Continuing to keep her in our prayers. So glad she has her own special angel to look after her. Beautiful picture and not really a selfie, just a good person keeping us posted on how that sweet little soul is doing. May God bless you both and continuing improvement with everyday that passed.

  3. Poor baby has been through so much. It really sounds good that one step at a time, she is improving. I pray that this little Angel will recover from all of this illness very soon. I pray for you too Linda as you are with this precious baby for anything that she needs. God Bless, Allene

  4. this just breaks my heart, I wish I could hug her. I pray that she has a full recovery.

  5. this breaks my heart, I pray every day that she has a full recovery.
