Sunday, June 1, 2014


Tyler was adopted from us-- he's an old boy now.    He came from a hoarder who couldn't take care of all the dogs in her home.  
Tyler's face always grabbed my attention and my heart.
There is just something that is so sweet about his eyes!    Don't you want to kiss him?
He looks very comfortable here-- is he asking for a belly rub.  
He shares his home and mom and dad with foster dogs-- they live in California now and Lisa carries on rescue work there.    There are so many that need saving and I'm sure Tyler is glad his mom and dad help.    Love this boy!

1 comment:

  1. Mr Tyler has the eyes of my Moi Moi .... they look so sad but Moi and Tyler are having a great life now but .... those sad eyes will get them everything ! LOL

    We are making hamburgers for tonight's tea and Moi is doing her "sad look" for food ---- I mean, that girl just had her dinner!!!
    What a shocker she is! LOL
