Monday, July 28, 2014


 Five years ago, we had a foster dog who was adopted and named Trio.   Her new mom and dad said it was their third anniversary present-- I've never forgotten.
 She became Arbie's sister and the two were inseparable.
 Almost every picture of them showed two dogs-- not one.
 They slept together on the couch...
 on the dog beds...
 on big pillows.  
Arbie  passed away and I am so sorry.  I know that her family is devastated and I'm sure Trio is missing her best buddy.   Rest now, sweet Arbie.     You'll see your family again.


  1. We love you, Linda. Arbie is at peace and can once again run and play. Trio, indeed, misses her sister. We're looking forward to the day when we can have all of our pekes together again.

  2. So sorry to hear of Arbie's passing! What a beautiful Peke and family! Sincere condolences.

  3. Oh this is just so sad.

    Still .... lets look on a positive side - Arbie had one hell of a family and a great life in the end and that is wonderful.

    I am so sorry for your loss .
