Tuesday, August 12, 2014


 Chompers is a sweet boy who lives in Maryland.   This picture was taken on June 15, 2010, the day he was adopted by her new mom and dad (Mark and Alisa).
 Mark and Alisa also have Pudgie (adopted from us) and Schmeus (formerly Clark), the tailless Peke we took in.  
 Chompers has been a good friend to both of his brothers.
 Schmeus is there for Chompers now--
 So is Pudgie.
 You see, Chompers is going through chemo for cancer on his ear and his anal sac.  His type of cancer is adenocarcinoma.  
 Radiation and three types of chemo were available for his treatment and his parents chose the chemo, not the radiation.    
 Each owner/parent has to make their own personal decision when faced with their beloved pet's treatment.    Radiation treatment would have meant daily trips to the oncologist, and his mom and dad felt the burning caused by this was not something they wanted to do.    Adding radiation would not have increased his survival chances significantly and they decided not to do it.   The oncologist agreed with their decision.
If anyone wants to know more about his treatment, just message or email me and I'll send your email on to Mark.  This type of care/treatment involves bloodwork, radiographs, and fine needle aspirations of the lymph nodes to see if it has spread.     We will all be praying for little Chompers-- that he comes through all this well and with success.    His owners want him around for a long time!  So do we!

1 comment:

  1. Oh sweet Chompers ... we are praying for you in Australia !!!

    Love Moi Moi and Coco XXXX
