Sunday, August 10, 2014


 Sammy was my foster dog four years ago.  
 He was such a happy boy!
 A local shelter asked me to come get him-- he was an owner turn in and he needed help.
 He arrived at my house and was the happiest dog ever!    He liked toys, too-- can you tell?
 He had to wear an e-collar after his neuter but it didn't stop him from checking things out-- like the dryer.
 He was adopted by Sally and David and he became a brother for Sybil.
 With the love and care he received, he became and even more beautiful boy.   Just look at him.   Sammy was at least 8 when I got him.   He had a stroke yesterday and couldn't be saved.   It is heartbreaking.
This is how I will always remember him though.    Sitting by my front door, smiling, happy, adorable.    You can run free now, sweet boy.   We will all miss you.


  1. So sorry to read this about Sammy. He was a beautiful boy. The hardest thing - to lose one of our fur children. We want them to live forever. Thank you for giving Sammy a wonderful loving home and a wonderful life. I am sure he meant as much to you as you did to him!!

  2. I am so sorry for your loss.
    He was such a pretty and very happy boy as I can see in Linda's photos!
