Thursday, August 7, 2014


 Yo-Yo was Stephanie's very special boy.    She adopted him from a shelter where he was in terrible shape and transformed him to a beautiful boy-- of course, he was beautiful inside already.
 He was a good sport about dressing up for Halloween-- and other times, too, I'm sure.
 He loved his mom so much-- and she loved him.
 His brother, Bear-Bear and Yo-Yo were so close.  I know Bear-Bear will miss his buddy.
 Yo-Yo was over 17, amazing!    He had all the love a Peke could get.
 Your mom will miss you so much-- she shared you with all of us, and I'm so glad for that.    Run free now, little man.   We love you, Yo-Yo.  Stephanie wrote this about her Yo-Yo:
Yo-Yo Payne went to the rainbow bridge today after a hard-fought battle with kidney disease and congestive heart failure.  He was 17 years old.  Yo-Yo is survived by his little brother Bear-Bear, his Mom Stephanie, his Dad Dave, and his Grandma Barb who loved to spoil him. Yo-Yo was adopted from Talbot Humane in January of 2004. He was the light of his mother’s life. He always flashed a goofy grin and he loved to give kisses (and sneeze in your face). He also loved his stuffed bunny and walking on the beach. Ice cream was his favorite treat, and he enjoyed a scoop of vanilla today before he had to say goodbye.

We wish to thank Talbot Humane for all the wonderful things they do for the animals on the Eastern Shore, Potomac Valley Pekingese Rescue for all the advice, love, and support of the Peke breed, and Dr. Scott Thompson, Dr. Tesi and staff of Easton Vet Clinic for helping Yo-Yo overcome so many obstacles.

Yo-Yo will live on forever in our hearts.

Stephanie Payne


  1. we sure do! much love to yo-yo and his mommy!!

  2. Oh wasn't Yo Yo beautiful !!

    I am so sorry for your loss.
