Saturday, August 9, 2014


 Lottie is my daughter's Peke.  She is over 14 now-- she's getting old.
 She does take some arthritis meds-- but this is a girl who wasn't supposed to live past 5 because of how bad her back was.  
 My Cranberry LOVED Lottie-- for some reason, she acted like Lottie was her mom and Cranberry would just dance every time she saw Lottie!
 Lottie loves comfortable beds.
 She loved "being a girl" when I took a picture of her, my Bailey and my Cranberry one St. Patrick's Day.  
 Her sister, Pi, got the small bed-- it happens.
 I think Lottie is checking out our web site.   Maybe she wants to know what Pekes need homes.
Just pray for them, Lottie-- we want them to have as much love as your mom has for you!   Love you, Lottie!

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