Tuesday, September 30, 2014


 We picked up the little male Peke from the shelter near me.    He is SO sweet!
 He was severely matted, and has a skin infection from the lack of care.    He has to be uncomfortable, but grooming and meds will help.  
 I took my Kai Kai to the vet to meet this one.    My Scooterbug was my "therapy dog, introduction dog" but now that he's gone, I wanted to see if Kai Kai would take Scooter's job-- he didn't.   He just wanted to be close to me.
 I received so many name suggestions-- and they were all great!  But, his temporary foster mom said he wanted to be her chum, sit on her lap and wag his tail.   So, she wanted to name him Chumley!    I love it!
 He's been completely shaved down.    They were able to save some of his tail.
 He came to see me after his grooming.    He wagged his tail, came up for love.    He needs nasal fold surgery and a minor dental.  We think he's about 5-6 years old.   He weighs 14 pounds and has the nicest personality.
 He was neglected in his past, not physically cared for, but that's over!
Just look at this sweet face.    He's irresistible!  (My friend who was going to temporarily foster him said he couldn't stay, because if he stayed long, she wouldn't be able to let him go!)   Welcome to rescue, Chumley!! Here is a video, before his haircut, showing what a happy dog he is:    Click here: Chumley - YouTube

Monday, September 29, 2014


 Do your dogs like to get under things, behind things, in tiny spaces?   Lexie loves to get under the ottoman.
 Starlight is usually under my desk if I'm working.  So is Kai Kai.
 Starlight also likes to get in little places-- like this child's desk cubby.  
 My friend's Pug, Uggie, thinks he is invisible.  
 Chris' Ollieman thinks he has found a great spot to hide-- but we see you!
 Peanutt Doodle is hiding under the deck after the snow.    What are you looking for?  
 Colby is under the covers while Pollyanna watches.  
 Freddie Leaf thinks he's in a great spot-- "betcha cantz find me!"    Oh, my all these little ones are adorable!
 Max thinks the spot between the dresser and the wall is a great spot-- Pekes like little spaces.
 Max is on top of his brother, Uggie, here-- are you playing hide and seek?    (Max was one of my sweet foster dogs!)
 This isn't a dog-- it's Lila, my friend Kristi's cat.    Yep, that is a good spot!
 Colby has wedged in under a stool-- he looks pretty squished to me!
 And there's Henry-- he IS hiding!
 And then, he let us see him.   Love it!
Lexie will continue to go under the ottoman.    She has found this is a spot that no other dog here has adopted-- so it is hers!   She also knows if she takes a toy under there, no one can get it.   Smart girl!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014


 Chloe came to us from a Maryland shelter.  She was turned in by her owner.   Chloe is only 4 years old.
 She is so cute and we are so glad we could help her to find her forever home!  
I received a call from her foster mom yesterday-- she had taken Chloe to meet her new mom and it went great!    We are so excited for her!    Have a wonderful life, sweet Chloe!!    Let's hope this sets up a round of more adoptions for other Pekes in our program!!  

Saturday, September 27, 2014


 Hi!  I don't have a name yet.   In fact, I'm still in the shelter, but if my owner doesn't come, I get to become a foster dog with Potomac Pekes!   I'm so glad they had one space near me.   They're pretty full.  
 I know one of the volunteers at the shelter and she holds me on her lap and gives me treats.  
 I wait for her to come.    Can you see what bad condition I'm in.   I'm matted everywhere.
 I hear I'm going to get a total hair-cut.   I'm excited!
I have to have a new name by Monday when I go to the vet for a check up and hair cut.   I'm sure I'll have a cute one.   Several suggestions have come in, but feel free to add yours!     A new name, a new life!    I can't wait!

Friday, September 26, 2014


 Someone asked where Camden was located-- he is currently in Maryland and can be fostered in Maryland and Virginia.    Camden came into rescue with a bad eye that had to be removed.
 He has healed now and it just looks like he is  winking at you (this picture was right after surgery).
 He has a lot of energy and loves other dogs.
He got into a situation with a large dog at his foster home and was injured, so we need a foster home where there are just small dogs.     
 He is sweet and loving, and young.
Could you open your home to foster or adopt Camden?    He is ready to go!    Until we  find a foster home, Camden is staying at the vet.    We would really appreciate your help.    Just email potomacpekes@gmail.com or haveninhim@aol.com.


 Coltrane came into rescue from a Maryland shelter.     His eyes were red and he was scared.
 What a difference time, love and care makes!
 Coltrane has drops for his eyes and he loves kids now!
 Going to the playground or to school is the highlight of his day.
 He loves attention.
 He looks like a little St. Bernard, so if you want a big dog in a little package, he's your man!
There's nothing like a good hug!

Thursday, September 25, 2014


 We just took in a pair of bonded 7 year olds.   They are meeting their new friends at their foster home.
 Poncho is about 17 pounds, and so sweet.  
 They all want dinner!   And they're being so patient!
 Chacha wants some of Poncho's dinner.   He seems fine with that.
 Maybe Bill, his foster dad, will help him out though.
Dixie, the home Peke, is trying to tell secrets to Chacha, but Chacha isn't too sure about her yet.  
  Poncho is beautiful-- they both had eye fold surgery.    
 Chacha is only 12 pounds and adorable.  
 Her first transporter almost kept her!   She fell in love right away.
 What's happening girl?    Too many pictures? ;-)
 Their second transporter, Jim, dropped everything to help.  This was a transport that we had only a limited amount of time to get going and we were amazed how many helped!
If you are interested in a wonderful, sweet pair, just let us know.   They are being fostered near Richmond, VA.
How can anyone resist these two.