Saturday, September 27, 2014


 Hi!  I don't have a name yet.   In fact, I'm still in the shelter, but if my owner doesn't come, I get to become a foster dog with Potomac Pekes!   I'm so glad they had one space near me.   They're pretty full.  
 I know one of the volunteers at the shelter and she holds me on her lap and gives me treats.  
 I wait for her to come.    Can you see what bad condition I'm in.   I'm matted everywhere.
 I hear I'm going to get a total hair-cut.   I'm excited!
I have to have a new name by Monday when I go to the vet for a check up and hair cut.   I'm sure I'll have a cute one.   Several suggestions have come in, but feel free to add yours!     A new name, a new life!    I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. This one is so cute!!!

    I pick the name Aussie as I am Australian and my two Peke girls think he is a spunk!!!

    *** I know the POWER of Must Love Peke's prayers .... you all gave me such a boost when I had my stroke!!!
    So..... please, could you all pray for Coco my Peke. Ms Coco has a very bad back and is in and out of the Vets , 6 weeks in a crate and she is in so much pain.
