Monday, September 1, 2014


 Blossom came into rescue a few weeks ago.     She met her foster mom at one of our Cracker Barrel meeting places (and I always buy something there!).
 She began the trip to Molly's house-- nervous, expectant....
 She met Ollie/Oliver, her foster mom's boy.   They'll get used to each other.
 Blossom was resting under the table--her food and water were there.    New places can be scary, but she'll be just fine.  She is now eating healthy dog food-- we assume she was given table scraps before, so now she can lose a little weight.   She is a "healthy" girl right now!
 She likes her foster parents-- she even sat pretty and asked if she could get on the couch with them.  
She likes being with people and was content to sit on the porch with Molly.   If you're looking for a nice, loyal Peke, Blossom just might be the one!


  1. Who ever adopts Blossom will be very lucky for she is such a pretty and sweet one :)

  2. She is a little doll! Love her name!
