Thursday, September 4, 2014


 Little Lexie came to us in June-- a tiny 9 pounder, so sick.   She has come a long way in a few months, gaining a few much needed pounds.    She has been through so much, and she has been SO sweet every day I've had her.
 I was very concerned about her teeth, because they were just coated with tartar and "stuff."    She just wasn't well enough to have anything procedures done, but my vet decided we needed to do something.   Her red blood count was really good, but her liver count was not.
 She went in today for surgery-- with her liver levels, they were very careful (just like all our vets are) and they were able to spay her, repair the hernia and do a liver biopsy.  Her spleen looked good, so they didn't remove it.
 Her dental showed that her teeth were much worse than I thought.  The infection had gone into her sinuses and I now am keeping her face clean as it drains.   She has a huge incision on her belly.   She will be on antibiotics and pain meds.
 She will get all the care and love she needs.  She has been such a little trooper and has the most loyal, loving temperament I have seen for awhile.
She is resting and still recovering from the surgery.
Just keep praying that she continues to heal and have a long life.   (She is in a baby playpen I have for my fosters who are healing.)   Just love this little girl!


  1. Poor little one! Prayers coming to make her stronger and healthier every minute. Do they still not know why her liver levels are whacked? Nothing they corrected would have a direct effect on her liver, would it? Hugs to this little one!

  2. I feel so sorry for Lexie . Sending healing vibes.
