Saturday, November 1, 2014


 Madge is an older Peke who is with Desi's family.   She is dressed like a lady though-- and what a hat!   I love it!   Wish women still wore hats.
 Rammi put on his sporty glasses!    I think it gives him a very intelligent look!  
 I think he disagrees with me-- or he's shutting his eyes to the skull beside him.
 I don't know how Roger and Lucinda get so many cute pics!     Or find the time to do it. haha  I love this one of Rammi.
 Cassidy didn't like this picture.   He said it makes him look fat.   Orange, yes-- fat, no.  haha  AND Cute!
 Dawson and Dollar are dressed in their Halloween ties-- so adorable!
 Wanda is Roger's special girl.    I love your outfit, sweet girl.
And the hat!   I almost looks like there is a spider on top.    You are very fancy!!


  1. I had one Trick or Treat at my door yesterday Linda !

    Its not really big here in Australia but I got two little kids and I did have lollies for them !

  2. Awesome outfits on all of the Hodges' dogs, especially the stunning dresses & hats on the girls!!
