These pictures are from the Peke meeting, too. It's Amelia and Magnolia again.
I can't resist sharing adorable Peke pictures!!
Are you comfortable, Amelia?
I know you're curled up next to your mom.
She put a little dress on you for the photo shoot we did. I love the pictures with the fireplace behind the dogs-- and the pillow, which became like a little throne!
Magnolia was out for a walk with her dad for part of the meeting, but she came back in time for the fireplace shots.
She wasn't too sure why we were all doing these photos-- Roger was taking pictures, I was taking pictures... the Pekes were very good sports!
One of their neighbors came over-- she loves Magnolia and Amelia. And she was enthralled with all the beautiful Pekes there at the meeting. It was a wonderful day!
Every day is a wonderful day with lots of Pekes!!! LOL