Friday, December 19, 2014


  Blossom is doing so well in her foster home.   Here she is with Ollie.   At first, she didn't want anything to do with him, but now he's her buddy.
 She loves her toys.
 We think she is about 5-6 years old.   She has come out of her shell and is so sweet with her foster parents.
 She loves to be outside even if the sun is shining in her face and she has to squint.
 She knows Christmas must be coming because she got a Christmas haircut.
 The tree is up at her foster home and...
Ollie and Blossom are all snuggled together, waiting for Santa.   I know they've been good, so I'm sure there will be gifts under the tree!  Merry Christmas, Blossom!!


  1. Oh Blossom .... you are so cute and sweet !!!!!!

  2. Blossom, I believe you have finally found your 'forever' home. This sounds like a wonderful home to be in and I'm so delighted that you're shedding your shell and you are letting your personality show. you will learn to return the love you're given now and then you'll be a happy puppy!!!
