Wednesday, December 10, 2014


 Mollie came to our rescue over a year ago and was absolutely terrified.
 Her owner had dropped her off at a shelter and the shelter staff was afraid of her.   (Here she is with her best friend, Maddie.)
 I have found that many shelter workers (bless them!) are more afraid of the little dogs than the big dogs.    And Mollie was a force to be reckoned with.
 Mollie didn't know that Amee was ready for a challenge.     She took Mollie into her home.  (And then dressed her up as a bumble-bee-- oh my haha.)
 Mollie has her own Drill Bit, and loves him!
 I think she knows I'm telling stories about her-- just look at her face!
 Molly is celebrating Christmas and she sent me an email!   (You know how much I love those.)
 Her mom wrote this:   I can’t believe that it’s been a year that Mollie has been with us…..what a difference a year can make in a little dog’s life.  Along with that year, though, we still miss our little Darby and the bit has asked about her several times since she has been gone – but we never forget and just open up our hearts to love some more.  Mollie wanted me to write you a little e-mail – she dictated of course – Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.  Give Starlight, the one closest to my heart, a big hug and kiss – I seem to have a soft spot for the baby cujos.
 And Mollie wrote:  
Dear Ms. Linda

Its Mollie, from Richmond.  I hope you are doing well.  I wanted to write you a little note and say thank you to you and Martha and Jeanne and all of the PVPC folks that got me to my mom.  I can’t believe that it’s been a year – and I really can’t believe that she actually kept me – see I was sort of mean in the beginning – it was almost 2 days before I let mom touch me but after that I have loved her bunches.
 I was just a scared little puppy girl and I didn’t know if I would actually get to stay here or if this was just a trip on my way to my furever home – I am glad mom kept me.
 I live with Macy the peke and Sakks the shitzu – and they are kind of old – so I have my best friend Maddie to play with and boy do we play – she was a rescue too – my mom says that Maddie was her first one.  I have a “bit” and he loves me and I love him too – I seem to really like kids but I don’t like the big people too  much until I know that they aren’t going to hurt me.  I have lots of toys here – I love every one and I get to go on walks and mom takes me in the car – I went to the park with Maddie this summer and rode in a doggie stroller – Mom thought it would be best so that people wouldn’t just put their hands out to pet me – I may have taken a little nip.  I love my baths though I don’t like that duckie towel so much that mom thinks is so cute and she dressed me up like a bumble bee for Halloween – I didn’t like that too much either but I let mom do it.
I love it here and I get lots of love and good food and treats and mom grooms me and loves me bunches and I love her too – I get to sleep in the bed with her and I guard the house when she is at work.
I hope you and your pack have a great Christmas – I don’t think that I have been so naughty that Santa won’t stop to see me.

Love Mollie

1 comment:

  1. Well .... good golly Miss Mollie!

    Have a happy Christmas - no nipping ... Santa will know!!!
