Sunday, December 21, 2014


 This is last year's picture of Cranberry-- she died a year ago today.   She always used to press her face to mine when I held her and I still miss that.  
 My Scooterbug died in September-- this was last year's Christmas photo of him in his reindeer antlers.   He was such a good sport!   Look at that sweet face.   They both leave a lot of love behind and I am so glad they were part of our family.   They would be so happy that Pekingese are still in the house, still having fun, still being loved on.  (Well, Scooter would be.   Cranberry could be cranky at times.)
 Chumley is one of them.   He let me take this picture near the fireplace.  
 But, in this one, the reindeer antlers just had to go!  
 Lexie is doing great-- here she is with her Christmas stocking.    I think she's asking me about the treats that were in it-- that will come later.
 My Max (my senior boy) and Kai Kai were not happy at having to sport the reindeer antlers-- first Kai Kai protected.
 And then Max protested.
 Starlight would have no part of the antlers!    She just wore a Christmas collar and looked cute.
Lexie was totally put off by the antlers, but I did get a quick picture!    I hope your home is filled with Pekingese and love this Christmas-- just like ours is!  

1 comment:

  1. This is a sad day but Linda... you still have Peke's about the house and that is wonderful !!

    My girls wish your Peke's a very happy Christmas .
    Its just so HOT today... I am so thankful I had them cut down in their summer cuts last week!
    Maybe we might get a thunderstorm and maybe those clouds will just pass over .
    Send me some snow!!! LOL
