Friday, January 23, 2015


 I like to go back in time and "visit" dogs who have come through my home or care.    Chien Chien is one of those.
 I live in Virginia Beach, but heard of a Peke in Roanoke, VA.   This was before I knew our wonderful vets there.   So, I drove there and got her myself.   It was a 5 hour drive to get there, but worth every mile.
 That was in 2008, and Chien Chien is now almost ten years old.    It's hard to believe!
 Chien Chien's mom had originally wanted to meet Starlight and I put Starlight in her arms, and Starlight did her "cujo" thing and that was the end of that meeting!
Chien Chien was the perfect fit for her mom.   They have been together for almost 7 years now-- and I'm so glad!    This is why rescue is so rewarding-- to see love bloom right in front of us.    Chien Chien, I hope your mom will give you a big hug for me!


  1. Oh boy .... that Chien Chine is a beauty !

    Do you hear from her owners Linda?

    I do hope they give you a message here and then.

  2. Chien Chien says hello from California where we now live. Thank you Linda for helping me to find Chien Chien. We know she was a "throw-away" from a breeder, but I am the lucky one!
