Saturday, January 24, 2015


 MacNaghton's Lotus Moon was a big name for a little girl.  She looked like an artificial dog that was going to jump at you when she was little.    We called her Lottie.
 She was so tiny, she could fit in her daddy's boot.  I love this picture.
 She grew into a beautiful girl.
 She was loving and enjoyed being held.  
 My Scooterbug (who died in September) was one of her puppies.
He was the only one who looked like his daddy.    He had four beautiful sisters.   (One of them was SweetPea, who died young.   She was one of mine with Scooter. She had a heart on her forehead.)
 Lottie was a very smart Peke-- she was checking out her picture on line.
 I think she approved.
 After my trip to Scotland, she wore a tam just to make me happy.
 She lived on the Farm-- and loved wandering.  
 Her mate was Wicket, who in September of 2012.  
 Lottie put up with a lot-- baths, kids,... :-)
 Wicket did the same.   They were both so good.
 When she came to live with Wicket, he was thrilled to have a friend.
 Lottie came to  my house often.   She was as comfortable here as at her own house.
 Pi, Lottie and Wicket hung out on my deck (which is now a big covered porch).   I know Pi will miss his little friend.
 Look at her beautiful eyes-- bright and alert.
 Here she was snuggled in an electric afghan.  After a bath, that's the best place to be.
 Today, though, it was time to say goodbye.    Lottie was telling her mom and dad that it was enough.
 She couldn't really see of hear anymore and her legs were giving out.    She stopped eating.  Age had caught up.
 Bitty Bit gave her a kis to say goodbye.
 Lottie rested her head on Lil Bit's "boot" (Lil Bit has a broken foot).    
She was ready.  Meghann wrote this last fall:  "Grief leaves a mark on our souls. We are forever altered by loss, by the empty space that is left when someone is no longer there.   Grief is not something that we ever "get over"; The people we are after a loss are different than the people who existed before. I only pray that as we continue to move forward, we are more compassionate, more loving, more attentive to those around us, stronger, and deeper."    I thought it was appropriate for now, when Lottie left this world to go be with her Wicket, her Scooter, her other puppies who had already gone.    Grief does leave a mark on us-- whether it is a person or one of our beloved pets.   Lottie was part of their home for almost 15 years and her presence will be missed so much.   Meghann told me it was the first time in over 30 years that she hasn't had a Peke in her life. (She was raised with them and then had her own two.) 
One last kiss to say goodbye-- it is never easy.   Run free now, without pain, sweet Lottie girl.  We love you.


  1. Love & sympathy to you & your family on the loss of beautiful Lottie Moon. I know how hard it is to lose a cherished pet after so many years.
    Thank God & Potomac Pekes for Kaci.
    God will honor Lottie's spirit and heal your hearts.

  2. I'm always sad to hear of someone losing their pet, especially a peke. I know how hard it was for me to let my Gremlin go. May peace be with you and your family knowing you did right by her. So sorry for your loss. ��

  3. So sorry for the loss of your sweet granddog! Prayers coming for her family members to have strength!

  4. I am so sorry for the loss of Lottie Moon.
    What a sweet one she was.
