Saturday, February 7, 2015


 Lexie saw the specialist again yesterday.  Her numbers have not been good.   Her red blood count is dangerously low.    The internist wanted to make some med adjustments and also do a transfusion.
 I really did NOT want to leave her there.   It is a strange environment and I didn't know if I wanted her to go through another transfusion.   She's just been through so much!
I talked to a few of our board members and we decided to do one more transfusion.  I wanted it done at my vet where they know Lexie and love her, too.   They were able to find a match for her and she stayed all afternoon and evening.  
She conned one of the vet techs (her favorite one is Bettina) and Bettina held her and rubbed her tummy while she was having the transfusion.    Talk about being treated like a queen!!     I hope she does well after this-- let's all cross our doggy's paws for her.