Saturday, February 28, 2015


 Bobby is Maggie-Moo's brother.   They were both adopted from PVPC.
 Maggie was not a bit thrilled by the snow.
 "Can you make it go away?"
 Her Peke "cousins", Phoebe and Hannah were riding out the storm, softly and sleepily.   Oh, they look so comfortable!
 It was cold out there and as it began to melt, big chunks of snow could fall off trees and fall right on a Pekingese-- not fun at all!  (I know, it's happening in my yard and my Pekes are looking around wondering what is going on.)
Maggie is set though.   She has her special hoodie on and is ready!    Stay warm, little girl!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Maggie Moo looks warm in her hoodie!
    I just hope she is not about to go out side and spray paint graffiti on the sides of peoples buildings!
