Monday, March 9, 2015


 Nikki Sue was the beloved Peke of Jackie and Bill.    Jackie and Bill have fostered five of our Pekingese, and Nikki shared her parents with those five who needed them.
 Nikki Sue was 18 years old-- she just had a birthday in January.   Here she was getting a gentle bath.    She was blind and had some dimentia but she still got around.
 This was Nikki about 5 years ago-- a beautiful girl.   Losing them is so difficult.
 Nikki had a seizure a few weeks ago and her sister, Dixie, was so concerned and laid close by to keep an eye on her.     Nikki had been with her family since she was 9 weeks old, and she was sister to other dogs and to the foster Pekes her parents helped with.  
No matter how long their life is, it is never easy to lose them.    She will be greatly missed.    Her mom said, "We are comforted in knowing that you no longer have the ailments you had on this earth. You can see, hear and run in your new young body. Til we meet again."    Run free now sweet Nikki.    Your mom and dad will see you again one day.