Monday, March 23, 2015


 Gracie Lu came into rescue in 2008.   A friend of mine contacted me because her mother in law had died and she had Gracie.   Gracie was six years old and needed a new home.
 I had a friend whose Peke  had just died-- and I thought, "here are two that just might help each other."
 Gracie went to Jane's house to be fostered and it was LOVE.   Jane adored this little girl.
 Time went on and I realized that Gracie was right where she needed to be-- with Jane, forever.
 She has a very nice car seat!   And she can see the world from it.
 Gracie now has a form of doggy dementia, but is doing great on her meds.   She has spa days and walks with friends and she also has play time with her buddies down the street.   What a life!
Gracie, you found your dream home with Jane-- and she found her special girl in you.   What a perfect fit!


  1. A big HELLO to Jane and the Divine Miss Gracie Lu from your friends in Australia!!!

    With love ,
    Melinda , Moi Moi and Coco !!!

  2. It must be utterly satisfying and rewarding to see bringing two creatures together who need and love one another. You do wonderful work in rescuing and placing Pekes. Thanks for all you do - so happy for Gracie and her new mama :-) Bless them both!

  3. Lovin seeing Gracie Lu and her pawsome mom Jane. Love to you both!<3
