Monday, March 2, 2015


 This little 10 pound beauty is Tucker.   These first pictures were taken in 2006-- almost 9 years ago.  He was about 5-6 years old, so he is at least 14 now.
 Tucker came from a shelter near me and he had terrible flea allergies which made him very anemic.
 He was adopted and had a wonderful, loving home.   I received a call the other day and his owner was going to be in the hospital for awhile.   She was now living with her daughter and they asked if we could help care for Tucker for awhile.  
 I sent out an email and two of our wonderful foster parents (and adopters!) volunteered.   They went to pick up Tucker and said he could stay as long as he needed to.  
Tucker has met all his temporary brothers and sisters, a lot of "butt sniffing" went on to meet and greet.    He ate his dinner (always a good thing after a change) and is checking out his new temporary home.    Kay and Claretta picked him up-- they said "neither sleet nor ice nor freezing rain can keep a necessary transport down."   I love that!    They are incredible and I'm so glad they could have Tucker in their home for awhile.    Welcome, little man.   Have fun while you're with us!

1 comment:

  1. Aren't Kay and Carletta wonderful!

    Oh that Tucker- what a sweetie!
