Thursday, April 30, 2015


 Chumley is the happiest dog.   I didn't understand him not being adopted quickly.  He is so HAPPY.
 He met our newest Bit today-- WHAT IS THAT?
 He really wanted to get close to see her.   He tried many ways to get to her.
 He was wagging his tail, and very concerned that she was crying.
 Are you okay now, little one?
 He was so caring!   But, now that she is sleeping, he can relax and stand down from guard duty.
 She's asleep and quiet.
 What did the rest do?  NOTHING!  Lexie was not having any part of the baby.
 Starlight is very calm around her-- Starlight loves children.
 Max could care less!   He just wanted to watch out the window.
 Kai Kai was on the couch near her, but not trying to get in the middle of everything.
I was amazed with how concerned Chumley was.   He sure loves his Bits!!

1 comment:

  1. I know that if that Bit or yours was with us .... my two girls would very maternal.

    I believe they were very good Mothers and when my grandkid were very small - babies ... they did look after them and were very gentle.
