Wednesday, April 8, 2015


 Koko came into rescue-- and to my home-- last March (2014).    She was just stunning!
 She is one of the prettiest Pekes I've ever seen.  
 She had a cluster of bad seizures the first week-end at my home.  I'm familiar with seizures, so I knew what to do.   She went to the vet and because she had so many, we immediately began medication.   She had to have it three times a day and I knew that would make her adoption chances small.
 But, someone saw her-- and fell in love!  AND, she didn't live far from me.   I went to meet her and she was wonderful!    She had three dogs already, had been a rescuer herself.    She didn't mind setting her watch so that Koko's seizure meds were given on time.    However, Koko went to her before the "alarm" went off and let her know it was time for meds-- I mean treats of course.
 Koko has fit right in and now rules her new home.    Her mom says she is just adorable! In fact, she said, "Why are you Pekingese people keeping them such a secret?" :-)  
Koko (with Fiorello) makes her mom smile everyday.   She is just a delight!   I love that!!  I'm going to visit her soon.  

1 comment:

  1. I try to fly the flag for Pekingese here!

    They are so rare in Australia and even Chinese people come up to me and ask what sort of dog they are! LOL

    I am so happy Koko has a loving home and she is doing so well on her meds.
