Tuesday, April 21, 2015


 Our picnic is coming up soon!!    It is May 16 and it's getting close!   Kai Kai wishes he could go, but he gets too nervous on the long drive there for us.    Don't worry-- my daughter will be here with him to keep him company.  (And the rest of the gang.)
 For details, look at this blog:  Click here: Must Love Pekes: PEKE PICNIC-- MAY 16, 2015--SAVE THE DATE!    Lexie wonders if the Pekingese pathway leads to the picnic.   No, sorry, it doesn't, it just goes around the fence, sweet girl.
My Max would love to go, too.    He knows there is a silent auction there and lots of goodies are available.   We want to know if you are bringing something for the auction.   We would love to raise lots of money for our Pekingese, so please let us know if you are bringing an item (or more!) for the auction.    You can reply on this blog or send an email to Robin at   reply@potomacpekes.org   Just let us know what it is.
Monkey might be there.   He is new to rescue.    He's a bit of a mix--we were told he was a Peke, but he's not full Peke.   He sure is cute though.    He wants lots of Peke items-- or other special things-- for sale.  The items do not have to be dog related-- we just want to raise money! :-)
I hope to see you all there at the picnic.   Remember, we need RSVPs so we have enough food for everyone!   See you soon!!

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