Sunday, May 31, 2015


 Look at beautiful Ming.    He was posing at Desi's Photo booth.
 He belongs to one of our newest members.  
 She adopted Phoebe from us.   Phoebe was known as Baby Girl-- her owner died and the family put her in the shelter.   Wow.   That's just mean!    But, look at her smile now!
 She is best friends with Sybil-- Sally and David's girl.
 These three go back and forth between each other's homes and love to go for walks together.  
Now look closely at this picture-- do you see the bee in front of Sybil??     What is she thinking??  Don't do it Sybil!!
 Wow, that was close-- Sybil didn't bite the bee.  She is fine.   Her friends are relieved!
 Phoebe loves her foster mom-- she even hugs her neck!
 Ming is so glad to have a sister and friend.  
I love seeing our adopted fosters at the picnic-- it's like a big family reunion!!

Saturday, May 30, 2015


 I know you like to hear how Lexie is doing.   Here she is sitting with Kai Kai at the door.  
 She must smell something good cooking because she is licking her lips!
 They were watching me play frisbee with Beach Bit in the front yard.  
 Here they are again-- are you sticking your tongue out at me?
 I know you want to come out-- but you just have to watch.
More of the gang is coming-- I see Max now, too.
 Sometimes, Lexie has a "down day" because of her IMHA.   It's a rough disease, but so far she keeps bouncing back.
 It's a horrible disease, but the good days are winning.   She had lost weight, but is now up to 11 pounds!!   A giant!
 If I'm on the porch, Lexie is there, too.  
 And so is Starlight-- aka bossy girl! haha
Lexie, for the most part, is doing well, taking her medications and trying to have victory over this disease.   In the IMHA world, we call her a warrior, and she is certainly that.   We all love this sweet girl.  

Friday, May 29, 2015


 Biscuit came to Desi's photo booth at the picnic.
 There were so many props-- not just for girls but for boys, too!
 He loved his spiffy hat-- he wanted to be debonaire.    I think he succeeded!
 His brother, Marshall had a more Western bent.   Look at him-- ready to defend a town!
 I think he must be a Pekingese marshal-- pun intended. :-)
 I see you peeking at me!
Jeanne was so excited to see her former fosters at the picnic!!    We love it!

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Harley Marie came to the picnic-- she was one of my fosters and I loved getting to see her!
Holding these sweet ones again is so much fun.
She sent me an email!   These Pekes are so smart.
"Dear Mrs. Linda,
It was great seeing you at the PVPC picnic. 
 I had a great time being around all the wonderful pekes and bringing my friend Roxy along.
Roxy was so good there-- her mom is a dog trainer, so you know she has the best manners!
I'm so glad that mommy let me do the photo shoot and have my picture taken. I was sure to tell her no dresses, so Roger put this hat and necklace on me.  I felt so pretty!
I also wanted to tell you that I went to the beach the week before.  
The weather was warm and I slept on my beach blanket.
After relaxing all day in the sand and listening to the waves.  I had to take a nap inside.
Vacations sure are exhausting!  Can't wait to see everyone next year for another Peke picnic gathering.


Harley Marie"

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


 This little girl was at a shelter near me and needed help.   She was not considered adoptable because she needed a lot of surgery.
 They told me she was about 12 years old and was blind.    (She is not 12.)
 I picked her up yesterday and the first thing she did was wag her tail!
 We walked around outside until it was time to go in the vet.    I got a urine and poop sample-- I'm getting just too good at getting these (too much practice haha).
 Someone donated this harness at the picnic, and I put it on her.  It's a little big.    Thank you to whoever donated it!!
 Her foster mom met me at the vet and we went over the name options-- we decided Sophie was a sweet name for her.  
 She is 9.3 pounds, too thin, but she can gain weight--a pound or two.   She had fleas -- those things are gone!  
 She loves to roll around on the floor and have her tummy and neck rubbed.
 She walked around the exam room-- she bumped into things gently, and then just moved in another direction.   If you said anything, she "looked" toward you and wagged her tail!
 She has beautiful coloring.
 We had her bloodwork done, and will get it back tomorrow.
 Dr. Meador took care of her today-- she is great!  (I use Acredale Animal Hospital in Virginia Beach and highly recommend them.)   Sophie is set up for surgery to spay, fix her hernias, and remove at least one of her eyes.   We don't know if the right eye needs to be removed-- it's very red, and non-visual.   That eye will be checked further.
This little girl was so worth saving-- she is not 12, but probably only about 6 years old-- she has a lot of life left in her!   Welcome to rescue, sweet girl!