Sunday, May 31, 2015


 Look at beautiful Ming.    He was posing at Desi's Photo booth.
 He belongs to one of our newest members.  
 She adopted Phoebe from us.   Phoebe was known as Baby Girl-- her owner died and the family put her in the shelter.   Wow.   That's just mean!    But, look at her smile now!
 She is best friends with Sybil-- Sally and David's girl.
 These three go back and forth between each other's homes and love to go for walks together.  
Now look closely at this picture-- do you see the bee in front of Sybil??     What is she thinking??  Don't do it Sybil!!
 Wow, that was close-- Sybil didn't bite the bee.  She is fine.   Her friends are relieved!
 Phoebe loves her foster mom-- she even hugs her neck!
 Ming is so glad to have a sister and friend.  
I love seeing our adopted fosters at the picnic-- it's like a big family reunion!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad Sybil did not get stung!

    My Coco loves to try to eat bee's or flies on the wing! I guess she likes her meat Fresh! LOL

    Love that Ming ..... I would have pinched him if I was at that picnic! :)
    Love Ms Phoebe too ... nothing like a black Peke!!!!
