Sunday, May 10, 2015


 Crunch and his sister, Oreo, came to us in June, 2013.  They had been turned into the shelter by their owners.
 They were 14 years old and the shelter asked if we would help them.  
 Some say we should not help the old ones-- but I think they are the most deserving.    This pair was so sweet and so in need.    Tiffany and Mike stepped up and said they would take them.    Oreo (yes, she's the white one) died the following January, but she had love the whole time she was with us.
 Crunch missed his sister, but he continued on, being cherished and given all he needed.
He joined his sister yesterday-- I know Oreo was there to welcome him and to have him run free with her.  Thank you Tiffany and Mike for all you did for this sweet pair.     They exemplify the words:
"We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within. We are Rescue."


  1. So very sorry for your loss of these two dear ones. I'm so glad they had a loving home at the end and that they are now back together again.

  2. I remember these two little pekes when you got them.

    I am so sorry for your loss .... Yes Crunch would have his friend waiting for him at the pearly doggie door gates!
