Wednesday, May 20, 2015


 I will be doing picnic blogs for awhile to share so many wonderful pictures!   Okay, can it get cuter than this one!?   Abner is ready to be patriotic!
 His sister, Lily, joined him--she's a princess!
 And here comes Brody.    Mary and Chris love their Pekes!
 Abner, I think your hat is coming off.
 Brody, are you sticking your tongue out?   Or are you trying to get a piece of cookie.
 Princess Lily is losing her crown.   It was a long day.
 Here's Ming.  He belongs to one of our new members, Debbie.
 He is the sister to....
 Phoebe!     She was Baby Girl when we had her and now has a wonderful home.  She was a senior, and has done SO Well since Debbie (and Sally and David) began taking care of her while her foster mom couldn't keep her.    That visit turned into a forever home.
 Sybil was adopted from us

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