Wednesday, June 10, 2015


 Camp Runamuck is busy this summer!   Starlight is wondering why so much is going on.
 Lexie is in her spot under the desk.
 Max loves the Pekingese lounger.
 Kai Kai is just tired haha.   There is so much activity.  Even when the Bits aren't here, it's a busy place.
 We had viruses going through while all seven Bits were in town.   Beach Bit was all wrapped up.
 Boo-boos were happening.  
 They all got well enough to go to the beach!
 Just Bits, no dogs.
 Sugar Bit just wanted to be held-- here she is with her daddy.   He loves his little girl.
 The "playroom" looks like an invasion happened.  Yes, my formal living room is now the playroom and has never seen so much action.   It became the playroom four years ago-- I have to rethink this.
 With beach time and Bits, there is always laundry.   It must have been fascinating to the dogs-- they were lined up to watch me move clothes from the washer to the dryer.  
 Back to the beach!  
 I love to go there-- we can go onto the Army post near by and the beach is not crowded at all.
 It's fun to just sit and collect shells or relax in the water.
 Back home, it is swing time.   Our porch has a vaulted ceiling and the swing goes VERY high!   Poppy is our champion swing helper!
 Lil Bit holds Sugar Bit. Our Bits range from 12 years old to 7 weeks old.  We love it!
 Bits and Pekes get on the couch.   Bitty Bit with Kai Kai and Chumley-- her favorite dog.
 At night time, they love to hear the book "A Day in Fairyland."   It's old-- I had it as a child, then read it to my kids.  Now I'm reading it to the grandbits.  We have to read it at least once every time they visit.    I wonder who it will be passed on to so the tradition continues.
 Starlight hides out.
Chumley says it's time to rest.   This has been a busy week!
 But, the play continued...until they went home yesterday.
Drill Bit was building forts-- 
 Drill Bit, Cowboy Bit, Beese Bit and Bitty Bit are playing....
 I just put everything up-- but that just lasts a moment.  Then, out come the games and puzzles again.
 Cowboy Bit did not want his picture taken-- but I got one anyway.
Drill Bit will pose anytime!   It is so quiet here now-- maybe I will take a nap today!   Then, the next round will begin!
Don't worry, Gigi, you'll be back soon. 


  1. Oh boy .....lots going on at Camp Runamuck!!!

    I love that Starlight ..... so pretty !

  2. I am tired just READING about and looking at photos of Camp Runamuck!! LOL And I LOVE the fairy land storybook!! :)
