Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Chumley came to me as a foster last fall.  I did NOT need another dog.
But, fate, in the name is Bitty Bit (my granddaughter), intervened.
She fell in love with his old face and he fell in love with her.  (We think he is about 11.)
This is his favorite toy and Bitty Bit will throw it over and over for him.    (He also thinks when I am doing my  hair and putting on my make-up, that I should throw it over and over and over....)
Chumley is really good with kids.   He will push his toy toward you which indicates he is ready for you to throw it-- NOW.  (Just don't take it out of his mouth-- he's not crazy about that.)
Tummy rubs and snuggling are good, too.
But, being with his girl when she visits is the best.
He absolutely adores her.
She wrote this at school.  Chumley is her "best buddy."  (just click on it and it will become bigger)    So, even though we did NOT need another dog, I guess he needed us.  And so, he is ours.   And Bitty's Bit's of course.

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