Thursday, June 11, 2015


Scooby got his summer cut-- it's going to get hot so a lot of Pekes are losing some hair.
My Max has hair like velcro.   He can have things attached to him that he brings in the house, so I have him trimmed in May to lower the amount that comes in with him.   I think he must have a leaf magnet on him!
This is Nicky-- he is my friend Robin's new boy.  He was rescued from a shelter and is a senior.   I'm not sure if he's had his summer cut, but he sure is a happy boy!    Nothing like going from a shelter to a loving home!
 Jazzy had her summer cut-- her mom likes to do lion cuts on her dogs.   Jazzy, look this way.
 Hadley had his done the same way.   Did Gimmie get one, too?  
Oh, Jazzy, I see that lip on your tooth.  What are you saying?    You sure are cute!
Starlight must have heard me talking about summer cuts.   I don't think she wants one, because she hid under the kitchen sink when I took out the trash can.    Come on, Starlight, you would look so cute!    Send me your summer cut pictures. :-) 

1 comment:

  1. No summer cuts here ..... its winter and sooooo cold!

    Hey ... don't tease Max and his Velcro hair .... he just might attach to some $$$ dollar bills !!!! LOL
