Friday, June 19, 2015


 I've gone to shelters during the 12 years I've done rescue.  
 But, this was a rough case.  Her skin is so bad that it is thick and crusty and hard.
 This is a young girl.  
 She is very sweet, loved the chicken my friend was offering her.
 She even gave us kisses.
 Were we afraid to touch her?  No, when this sweetness comes to you, you just automatically reach out to love her.  
 Her skin was horrible, very malnourished and the skin was like elephant skin in places.   It was hard to see.
 We were able to get her yesterday--- just before she was to be euthanized.
 I believe she has a future-- of health, and we want to make that happen.  She is under 11 pounds, not really underweight, but has not had good nutrition for a long time, if ever.
 She is 2-3 years old, and just wants to be loved and cuddled.    And that is what we will do-- in addition to lots of vet care, baths every other day, medication, ear meds......
For now, she is safe-- and her future is bright.    We named her Marnie-- it's such a pretty name and we know this will be a pretty little girl.  If you would like to help with her care, please check out web site:  

1 comment:

  1. Oh I was so sad to see Marnie but then I thought ..... "they will look after her and she will blossom into a beautiful girl"

    I am looking forward to the Before and After of little Marnie .... I know she will be a beauty plus .... with all the love and care you are giving her ... she will be a loving pup and very popular to adopt !
