Thursday, July 30, 2015


Jules came into rescue in the fall of 2012.   
 He was a beautiful boy who had been found wandering around a golf course.   No one claimed him.
 He came into rescue and was given medical attention.  He needed quite a few medications-- heart, liver... but he was able to have a forever home.   I love those adopters who will take a special needs' dog and love them.  They are my heroes!
 He got along with dogs and cats and was so sweet.  
 One of our previous adopters met him and fell in love.   So, he joined his brother JR.   Here they were after a spa day.   He was best friends with his brother.
 He was a stunningly beautiful Peke.  
 He loved his adopted home, and they called him their little adventurer.
 His mom said, " It was a wonderful day when he came to stay with us, forever!  He had such joy in his heart, a smile on his face and he loved his Daddy more than anything.   Best day ever was sitting in Daddy’s lap, or playing with Daddy or just being near Daddy.  Jule-bug had lots and lots of best days ever, Daddy loved him very much (and Mommy, too)!  He was a great little guy."
Jules had a bad heart, but he was a little comedian and his health did not effect hit joyful outlook on life.   He had a brain lesion that came out of the blue,  He had a wonderful life and his parents were the best.    They said they were so grateful to have him in their lives.    I am so glad he was in their family-- he had so much love and care and that is what we want for every dog we help.   You can run free now, little man, no health issues-- but your pure joy remains.   You were greatly loved.


  1. Oh what a handsome Peke he was!

    I will be missed but he had such love with his family.

  2. I am SOOO sorry to hear he is gone! Even though I only fostered him for a week or two, he was SUCH a happy loving boy! I'm so glad he had a happy life with his family but sure wish it could have been a lot longer! :(
