Sunday, July 12, 2015


 Raymond came to us in January of this year from a shelter in Maryland.   His eyes were inflamed, and he just needed help.  
 You cannot tell in the picture, but Raymond had no tail.   We don't know if it was docked or if he was born that way.   His little "stubby" would wag, though.
 He has the most wonderful personality-- loving and sweet.
Here  he is now, at his adopted home, getting all he needs.   He has a Peke sister named Arby (also adopted from us).   Just to show you how much he loves his home, just watch this video!  Click here: Raymondmovie - YouTube


  1. Oh that Raymond is so super cute in the Video ... I could just eat him .... he is better than chocolate !

  2. Raymond, what is a tail for anyway? It just follows you everywhere you go. Ginkgo had her summer haircut, but the groomer didn't trim her tail. I've accidentally stepped on it and have even got it caught in the door! But it makes a good mop (just kidding)!
