Saturday, August 8, 2015


 Festus was adopted from our group in 2012.   He has the cutest ears and is so happy!  
 He is Hurricane's brother.  Hurricane is still available for adoption.   He is an older boy and he likes to sleep a lot.   He's a sweetheart.  
 He went to the groomer with Festus and they both came home looking gorgeous!   Huri decided he should have a treat after being groomed.
 Isn't he handsome?
 Festus decided grooming was exhausting, so he just laid down to take a rest.
Here is what he looks like before his haircut-- bright eyed and happy.
Once Festus has rested, he'll be up and about, looking for toys and his friends.   HMMM, I think a nap sounds like a great idea!

1 comment:

  1. I just love that shot of Festus with the cut and those ears .... he is so cute and funny.

    Oh how I wish I lived near you Linda ..... I would love Hurricane!!!

    Come on people .... the oldies are the goodies!!! :)
