Monday, August 17, 2015


 Peanut is one of our foster dogs.   He is 8 years old, and doing so much better than when we got him.  His skin had been effected by fleas and neglect and it's healing and his hair is coming in.    He reminds me so much of Gus, one of our adopted Pekes.
 His foster family went on vacation, so he's at Camp Runamuck for Pekes for the week.
 He is good with the other dogs and fits right in.   His foster mom said he didn't do stairs well-- but not only did he do the porch steps (only 5 of them), but he followed the dogs through the dog screen on the door.  Smart boy!  
 He found the fan on the deck where we were all sitting-- he loved it!   He got in front of it and let it blow his hair all over the place.
 He is a sweet boy and just does his own thing and goes at his own pace.
We have a LOT of doggy beds, but he curled up in his bed in the hallway.  It smells "like home."   Welcome to the Camp, Peanut!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Peanut is as cute as can be!
    What a lovely pet he would make Linda .... I am doing my Adoption Dance for him right now!
