Thursday, August 20, 2015


 I love our rescue group.   We received an ASAP "request" last week that said four dogs had to be GONE that day.  One was a Pekingese, so of course, Jeanne went into high gear to save them.   Yodi is 4 years old, 17 pounds and a  laid back sweet Peke.
 There was also a 4 year old Dachshund Yorkie mix.   Peanut was another one who was sweet and deserved to be saved.
 Diamond was only 7 months old-- She is a little Chihuahua.
 Duffy was a 4 year old Pom.  Look at this sweet face.
 Paige is one of our long term foster moms and she jumped into action that day.  Wow!  She went and got all four dogs and brought them to her home.    The three dogs who aren't Pekingese went into rescues within 24 hours.   Rescues working together is great and we love to do that if it means we can help another dog in need.  
 Danni was holding Diamond and Diamond loved it.  
 Yodi had his very favorite toy (and it is still with him) and he was checking out his surroundings.   It was a little confusing, but we knew he was safe.
 Paige is wonderful with dogs and she spent time with them, letting them know a new life was beginning.
Yodi went to Richmond and then on to my area in Virginia to a foster home on Wednesday.   He came to my house first-- and what a sweet boy he is!   Stay tuned for more on him tomorrow!  Thank you, Jeanne and Paige for all you did to save them!  You are both amazing.


  1. I was so happy to be able to help especially since I have not been able to foster for the past few years. Good job organizing Jeann.
