Tuesday, September 29, 2015


 Do you ever wonder about how we get our foster dogs.    This little boy is currently in a shelter in WV.   On facebook, emails, and messages, we find out about little ones like this.  
 The little boy and this little female are currently in a kill shelter.   Why don't we just run get them?
Because, we need help with transport-- and most important, we have to have a place to put them.    This male is in a shelter in NC where we have taken in at least four others, including Sir Jenkins.   Is he safe yet?    I don't know.     
This little black one was found in someone's back yard-- they have not taken him to a shelter yet.   They are trying to find a rescue to take him.  He is probably about ten years old.    He seems to be housetrained and good with other dogs.    They have asked us to take him-- but can we?  Not without a place to put him.   (Jeanne and I cannot take in every foster-- we become overloaded.   And now that I am caring for two grandchildren, fostering is not easy.)
 Our fosters are wonderful and dedicated people.   Yodi above, was a foster and because Paula stepped up to help, he was saved and has been adopted.
 You all know Starlight-- she came to me 8 years ago-- and because PVPC stepped up to help, she was not taken to a shelter.    (And she still lives with me, the little stinker.)
 Chumley looked like a junk yard dog with matted hair and infected skin.   Would someone adopt a dog in that shape from a shelter?   Probably not.    Most just want a cute dog, a healthy dog-- they don't want a sick one.   So, his only chance was a rescue.   He came to me as a foster and yes, he is still here.   You see, if as a foster parent, you fall in love, you have first choice on adopting.   I didn't "fall in love" as much has my grandbit did!  So, Chumley is a member of the family now.   He is a big clown!
 Cookie was part of the Bristol 18-- she had a heart on her forehead.   Her foster mom took care of her to help her adjust to being loved and cared for.   She taught her to trust and Cookie was adopted.
Brandy and Camden, above, were saved because someone fostered.  (Thanks, Jeanne and Mary Elizabeth!)  Without foster homes, we cannot save them.   We try to match dogs to the best possible foster homes, so that their needs can be cared for.   Some dogs are very timid, so we are careful to pick homes where there is experience to deal with these.    If you want to be part of our foster team, apply to foster on our web site:  www.potomacpekes.org and go to on line links.    All rescues are only as good as those who support and help-- Could you be one to help save a Peke?

1 comment:

  1. Oh Linda .... If I was living near you I would foster!

    Please foster so those little ones can get out of the shelters and find a loving home.
