Thursday, September 17, 2015


 Tai, our adopted foster boy, had back surgery at Virginia Tech last week.    He had a slipped disc, and without surgery, he would have been paralyzed.
 He came through surgery great and is spending a week at our Roanoke vet where he is having laser treatment and therapy.  
 Of course, he had to be dressed up for a picture session!
 I think he's licking his lips while thinking of a treat.  I'm sure bribery is involved-- cheese maybe?
 Tai is only about 6 years old, so he has a long life in front of him now.   He is already walking around-- a little wobbly, but he will continue to improve.
If you would like to help his parents with his surgery costs, you can send a check to Harris Animal Hospital and they will apply it to his account there.   Just put Tai on the check.   The address is:   Harris Animal Hospital, 6805 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, VA 24019  Stay tuned for more updates on Tai!  

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