Sunday, September 13, 2015


 Matt and I met 31 years ago-- at a place where I was told there was no one my age.  I was a young widow with two children and I did not want to date.    I was happy.    But, Matt was there, just not my age. :-)    We dated and married a year later-- and yesterday, we celebrated 30 years of marriage.     Life has been a gift with him.    Here he is with Beach Bit.
 Matt has a gentle heart, the nicest person I've ever known.   And our family has grown and we have more to love.    Drill Bit is one of our blessings.
 Drill Bit and his sister, Bitty Bit, went on an adventure with me on a trip to the farm.    They just make life fun.
 Bitty Bit and Lil Bit (not so little anymore) are turning into such beauties--and they have such loving, giving hearts.   (Remember, Lil Bit was instrumental in raising $15,000 for a well in an underprivileged country.)
 Drill Bit and his mom, my oldest, are always into something.
 We moved into our current home 17 years ago.   It's next door to my sister, and across the street from our daughter (and Beach Bit and Sugar Bit).
 And because of a decision we made 30 years ago, we have lots of Bits-- like Sugar Bit above.
 Bitty Bit loves the dogs here -- and we've had a LOT of dogs go through our home in rescue.   I quit counting at about 250.    Some passed through, some visited a while on their way to a forever home, some just stayed.    Kai Kai and Chumley just stayed.    Chumley is happiness and joy all rolled up in a Peke body.
 More joy arrives at my house almost every day with this little one-- I think she took a selfie haha.  Sugar Bit is the happiest baby!
 Kai Kai and Starlight-- Starlight made sure she stayed.  (She is still a bit of a cujo-- but she's so cute!)
 Max was another who stayed.  
Thirty years of blessings-- two incredible daughters, five loving grandbits-- and living with someone I love.   How much better could it get?    Maybe another 30 years?


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both!!!

    On the 17th of Sept my hubby Steve and I will have been married for 38 years.

    This is what my little Peke Coco just told me ........

    "Linda , Matt , Steve and Melinda ..... you get less for murder!" LOL

    *Loved looking at your wonderful family Linda - congrats to you both :)

  2. What a wonderful heartwarming post….congratulations!!! And here's to many more years of happiness! :)
