Monday, October 5, 2015


 Coco, in Australia, is headed into spring and summer.
 The Australia Native Orchid is coming out.
 So pretty!
 The wisteria is stunning!
 Does it have a scent, Melinda?
 Coco is fine posing with some flowers.
 Yes, you are a beauty!
 She could be a little Peke model.
 She is enjoying the warmer weather, lounging on the grass.
 Are you puckering up for a kiss?
 Coco looks like she is center court.
 As it gets cold here, it will get warm there.   Can we take a Peke club trip to warm up?
I think that would be a great idea!    I'd love to go!

1 comment:

  1. Yes Linda .... Wisteria does have a scent. Its not as nice as roses or as sweet. Its a strange scent , somewhat "green" and a bit "sharp".... its not a scent that I would buy in a perfume but it does attract the bee's and it gets into Coco's coat now its falling to the ground.
    Very pretty but in Coco's coat .... Rrrrrr! LOL

    We have had a very hot October day ... unusual for this time of year and so I bet we are in for a HOT summer .... it was 95f and the same tomorrow!
    Had one bush fire up in the country (I am in the suburbs) and , sadly a house was burnt to the ground.
